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Request for quotation Luxeline Modern

Please fill out the form below. Based on these data we, or our Service Point will make you an indicative price quote with an approximate price. Please contact your local Service Point for a detailed elaboration thereof or if you should have further questions.

In the tabs above you can discover the various wood types, roofing types, windows and doors for your selected type of garden house.

Your data in this form won't be erased when switching between those tabs.

We don't sell separate parts.

1. Personal data

Area code without 0 !
Area code without 0 !
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2. Product data

Choose your type of garden house.
Front view with doorway
Side view
Cedar and padouk are more expensive types of wood. Click to check the price range according to the wood type.

Available wood types Luxeline Modern
Available wood types Luxeline Modern
Available wood types Luxeline Modern
Available wood types Luxeline Modern
Included with Thermo, Cedar and Padouk
Only available with Thermo, Cedar and Padouk
In case your choice is contradictory, the system proposes our standard solution.
Available roofing types Luxeline Modern
If your budget is not realistic, we will provide an alternative.


  • Our sales representative will contact you by telephone or by e-mail within 7 days after having sent you the quotation. No need to contact us again for an appointment.
  • Only serious requests please.
Tuesday till Saturday


Please take some time to complete the question below. Your answer will determine our future investments in these various media.

After having pressed ‘Send’, you will get a message to thank you, as well as a confirmation mail with a Reference Number. Please use this number in all your communication.
If you don’t get the thank you message or don’t get this e-mail (also check your Spam folder), an error must have occurred and the form will not be sent. Then verify all mandatory fields.

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